Le latitudini dell’Arte – stage Göteborg

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Biennale Le Latitudini dell’Arte

stage Göteborg

10 june – 13 august 2023

opening 9 june h. 16.00

curated by Virginia Monteverde and Paul Thomassen 

Galleri Thomassen – Götabergsgatan 32 – Gothenburg, Sweden 

Gothenburg is the host city for the Swedish edition of the Biennale Le Latitudini dell’Arte – Sweden and Italy. After the 2022 edition that involved 40 artists from the two nations at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, now the contemporary art exhibition, conceived by Virginia Monteverde and for this edition curated with Paul Thomassen, arrives in the second largest city of Sweden that shares with Genoa the same harbour vocation.

The exhibition organized by the Art Commission, which opens on June 9th in the Galleri Thomassen, also for this stage maintains the theme proposed in Genoa, The Twilight of the Earth. In the artists’ works there are visions and reflections on environmental issues and the relationship between Humans and the Planet.  

Artists from Italy: Yuval Avital, Gianluca Capozzi, Marcela C  ernadas, Manuel Felisi, Lory Ginedumont, Tea Giobbio, Fukushi Ito, Rachel Lee Hovnanian, Margherita Levo Rosenberg, Viviana Milan, Maurizio Nazzaretto,  Massimiliano Pelletti, Annalisa Pisoni Cimelli, Angelo Pretolani, Paola Rando, Roberto Rossini, Giovanni Ricci-Novara, Antonio Tropiano, Anne-Claire van den Elshout, Alessandro Zannier.

Artisti from Sweden: Patrik Bengtsson, Erik Berglin, Marie Dahlstrand, Samira Englund, Ann Eringstam, Daniel Götesson (Ekta), Tommy Hilding, Leslie Johnson, Erik Kihlbaum, Tove Kjellmark, Jukka Korkeila, Juri Markkula, Roger Metto, Sara Nilsson, Olle Schmidt, Lotta Söder. Martin Solymar, Gustav Sparr, Tommy Sveningsson, Hendrik Zeitler.

Galleries an Foundations: 

Artantide Gallery (Verona), Fabbrica Eos (Milan), Videoinsight Foudation (Bologna), Galleri Thomassen (Gothenburg, Sweden), Etherea Art Gallery (Genoa), Fondazione Rocco Guglielmo (Catanzaro), The Project Space (Pietrasanta LU).

Mosaic on paper

The exhibition also includes the group installation Mosaic on Paper, organised as a side event of the Biennial Le Latitudini dell’Arte.

On display will be 42 works on paper fine art print in limited edition, taken from the Multipli d’artista collection.



info exhibition: paul@gallerithomassen.se


info organisation:  artcommissionevents@gmail.com